Audition Form - CCP’s The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee!, The Musical! - Please fill out completely or put N/A in fields that do not apply to you. Name of Person Auditioning Audition Time - Choose One Audition Time - Choose One Sunday - March 30th - 2pm @ CCP Sunday - March 30th - 5pm @ CCP I will be sending a video audition to I will be sending a video audition to Yes No I Will Be Attending the Audition Workshop On March 21st at 6:30pm I Will Be Attending the Audition Workshop On March 21st at 6:30pm Yes No Email Address Phone Address Role Auditioning For Role Auditioning ForChip TolentinoLogainne Schwartzandgrubeniere (Schwartzy)Leaf ConeybearWilliam BarfeeMarcy ParkOlive OstrovskyRona Lisa PerettiDouglas PanchMitch Mahoney - Mitch can also be Michelle (the support counselor).Olive's Dad Will You Accept Another Role? Will You Accept Another Role? Yes No If Yes - Second Choice If Yes - Second ChoiceChip TolentinoLogainne Schwartzandgrubeniere (Schwartzy)Leaf ConeybearWilliam BarfeeMarcy ParkOlive OstrovskyRona Lisa PerettiDouglas PanchMitch Mahoney - Mitch can also be Michelle (the support counselor).Olive's Dad Will You Be In The Ensemble? Will You Be In The Ensemble? Yes No Age Height Gender Gender Female Male Guardians Name for Applicants Under 18 Guardians Cell Phone Number for Applicants Under 18 Guardians Work Phone Number for Applicants Under 18 Are you, your parents/guardians able to provide reliable transportation to rehearsals/performances? Are you, your parents/guardians able to provide reliable transportation to rehearsals/performances? Yes No Some roles require that an actor change his/her appearance. If the role dictates are you willing to grow/cut/dye your hair, beard or mustache? Some roles require that an actor change his/her appearance. If the role dictates are you willing to grow/cut/dye your hair, beard or mustache? Yes No Please select areas below where you have had training in the performing arts Please select areas below where you have had training in the performing arts Acting Voice Dance Please List Any Performance Experience You Have: Enter Role/Play/Organization/Year Please List Any Special Talents You Have Here: Play Musical Instrument,, Juggling, Gymnastics, Stage Combat, Language, Etc. Please List Any Conflicts You Might Have With Rehearsal Schedule Costume Information - Pant Size Costume Information - Shirt Size Costume Information - Shoe Size Costume Information - Dress Size 5 + 15 = Submit