These past four years have been remarkable for Capital City Productions. We have increased our patronage, are more involved our community and in 2020 moved into a new larger facility that will allow us to grow and accomodate our patrons.
Audience interest has grown tremendously. Most of our productions are sold out, and all performances have healthy audience numbers. We have more than quadrupled the number of season tickets sold over last two years. The announcement of our new season has created a great deal of excitement.
Our educational and volunteer programs have been resounding successes. Our first summer youth performance camp drew 42 campers and culminated in a sold out production of “Beauty and the Beast” junior edition. We awarded 10 scholarships to summer youth campers to ensure young people who needed assistance to attend received it. For our second summer youth camp we sold out two performances of “Shrek, Jr.”.
We continue to offer adult theatre classes in sound, lighting, dance, acting, and stage management as a part of our theatre education program, and we have established a volunteer program where people who volunteer their services to usher and work on productions can earn credits that will go toward free tickets for performances or to attend our classes.
As we continue to grow and expand our services and outreach we find ourselves needing additional space.
As a 501c3 organization, we have established a new program to sponsor events in partnership with other 501c3’s so we can help strengthen other Jefferson City groups.
Capital City Productions civic involvement has greatly increased. In this past four years we have sponsored Thursday Night Live, Wynona Judd’s “Inside the Walls” Concert, and the Jefferson City Eclipse Festival. We have participated in such civic causes as Bowling for MADD. We are deeply committed to being an active partner in the community.
Community theatres involve more participants, present more performances of more productions, and play to more people than any other performing art in the country.
It enriches the lives of those who take an active part in it, as well as those in the community who benefit from live theatre productions. On either side of the footlights, those involved represent a diversity of age, culture, life experience, and a strong appreciation of the importance of the arts.
I believe that community theatre is America’s theatre. For a variety of reasons, community theatre thrives in this nation like nowhere else in the world. Seeing the positive impact that it can have on youth, seniors, area businesses, and a community’s identity is a humbling but energizing experience. Our ongoing challenge is to continue to raise the bar on our work-constantly make it better-while continuing to have that positive impact that theatre education and participation bring.
CCP is a place to find joy and wonder and community. It is a place where families find joy in sharing a special occasion; a place where one gasps in wonder as the magic of a beloved classic unfolds onstage; a place we see community built because the experience shared by those in our theaters leaves them with a sense that they belong with those who shared it too. This is how our support for each other will enrich the arts and our community both financially and artistically.
CCP is a team effort opportunity for the leaders of the joining Theatres to work together to support each other of all talents, skills and energy. Theatre is a wonderful leveler of people where background becomes a moot issue. It is the truest form of diversity and we celebrate that together in a bright future.
Nate Grey
Capital CIty Productions, Inc.
“Putting the Community Back Into
Community Theatre”
719 Wicker Lane
Jefferson City, Missouri 65109
(573) 691-9612