CCP’s Rocky Horror Show! Auditions – August 19th – 6pm Audition Form - Please fill out completely or put N/A in fields that do not apply to you. Person Auditioning Will you be submitting a video audition to Will you be submitting a video audition to Yes No Email Address: Phone Address: Role Auditioning For: Role Auditioning For:USHERETTE / MAGENTABRADJANETNARRATORRIFF RAFFCOLUMBIAFRANK 'N' FURTERROCKYEDDIE/DR. SCOTTPHANTOMS / USHERS / USHERETTES Will You Accept Another Role? Will You Accept Another Role? Yes No If Yes - Second Choice If Yes - Second ChoiceUSHERETTE / MAGENTABRADJANETNARRATORRIFF RAFFCOLUMBIAFRANK 'N' FURTERROCKYEDDIE/DR. SCOTTPHANTOMS / USHERS / USHERETTES – TRANSILVANIANS Age: Height: Gender Gender Female Male Guardians Name for Applicants under 18: Guardians Cell Phone Number for Applicants under 18: Guardians Work Phone Number for Applicants under 18: Are you, your parents/guardians able to provide reliable transportation to rehearsals/performances? Are you, your parents/guardians able to provide reliable transportation to rehearsals/performances? Yes No Some roles require that an actor change his/her appearance. If the role dictates are you willing to grow/cut/dye your hair, beard or mustache? Some roles require that an actor change his/her appearance. If the role dictates are you willing to grow/cut/dye your hair, beard or mustache? Yes No Please select areas below where you have had training in the performing arts: Please select areas below where you have had training in the performing arts: Acting Voice Dance Please List any performance experience you have: enter role/play/organization/year. Please list any special talents you have here: play musical instrument, juggling, gymnastics, stage combat, language, etc. Please list any conflicts you might have with rehearsal schedule: Costume Information: Pant Size Costume Information: Shirt Size Costume Information: Dress Size Costume Information: Shoe Size 11 + 5 = Submit Rocky Audition Materials