Capital City Productions is pleased announce our new Specialized Outreach Services (SOS). This allows us to partner with other organizations in our community to enrich their lives and programs through the arts. Each SOS program is custom designed to the individual organizations needs. We believe our new SOS program enriches our lives and community through mutual support and encouragement. We are deeply committed to Jefferson City and surrounding area as we continue to grow with our community.
Cole County Residential Services
Capital City Productions has partnered with Cole County Residential Services to enrich the lives of adults with developmental disabilities by exposing them to the arts. Danny, pictured left, is quickly becoming a part of our CCP family as one of our set painters. His enthusiasm and kindness has enriched our lives as he has worked on our productions of “CABARET”, and “Christmas, My Way: A Frank Sinatra Holiday Bash”.
5678 Dancenter
We have partnered with 5678 Dancenter to give our actors dance training in tap. We have also provided a space for 5678 Dancenter to be part of dance productions at CCP and hold their annual banquet.
Encore Department Store
We provided Encore Department store with multiple prop items and more than 40 coats for their Give one and take one coat program.